Saturday, September 19, 2009

Kedonganan beach: White sandy beach is beautiful(Bali)

This afternoon, while enjoying lunch at a seafood cafe in Kedonganan, we sempatkan go for a walk, taking photos Kedonganan beach in the afternoon.
Beach here is so beautiful with white sand. Clean and sand was laid out well, complete with umbrellas to shelter from sunbath and heat shock. There were foreign tourists who were walking. Yes, the beach is far more beautiful and wonderful from Kuta beach during the day. Maybe it was so crowded Kuta beach visitors so we are less able to enjoy the beauty of truth.
While enjoying the food on this hot day, was too small waves challenging handsome pile of sand that had been arranged neatly. The atmosphere was so cool and calm. It could be alternative to the lunch, too.
For those who've enjoyed the lunch at the beach around Kedonganan, could be said that not only the atmosphere sunsetnya beautiful course, but also the atmosphere when the sun is still stinging. The beach is really beautiful

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