Thursday, June 24, 2010

attraction of The Old Batavia


Similar to other major cities in the world, Jakarta is a megapolitan city with a long history. In the past, Jakarta was an important harbour called Sunda Kelapa.

Although Sunda Kelapa was only a harbour, this area had villages which turned into the city of Jakarta.  If you would like to know more about Old Batavia, you must visit the Fatahillah Museum.

Built in an area covering 13 thousand square meters, the museum is situated at Taman Fatahillah street No. 2, West Jakarta. It has 17th century architecture. By visiting every corner of the museum, you would feel the ancient city previously called Jayakarta (1527-1619) and Batavia (1619-1942).

The Fatahillah Museum has a classical Barok architecture and consists of a main building with two wings on its east and west, complementary building used as an office, court room, and underground prisons.

These frightening prison cells have iron balls believed used to detain prisoners and slaves.  


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