Located at Jalan Taman Fatahillah No.1 and was originally the City Hall Building (Staadhuis) in Batavia's first built in 1627 (in addition to the original buildings built between the years 1705-1715). Alun-called alunnya which means the field Stadthuisplen Hall. In 1970 the building was renovated and on April 4, 1974, was inaugurated as the Jakarta History Museum.
Apart from being Staadhuis, this building is also a College van Schepen (Municipal Council) which handles a variety of criminal and civil cases between citizens of Batavia.
Collection is stored in the Jakarta History Museum is the VOC era coins, various dacin / scales, antique furniture from the 17-19 century, archaeological objects from the pre-history, the Hindu Buddha until the Islamic period, ancient cannons and flags of Fatahillah era. There are also paintings by Raden Saleh, the portrait of Governor-General and the old maps.
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