Sunday, January 10, 2010

Customs BATAK

In the Batak society, a person's life cycle from birth and up, descent to death, through a few times and events that are considered important. Therefore at the moment or important event will require ceremonies are customary, and religious beliefs. These ceremonies include ritual bath down, giving the name, haircuts and so on childhood, sharpening teeth ceremony, wedding ceremonies, funeral rites and others. In the Batak community known good feeding ceremony to parents who are elderly but still healthy, the goal to give the spirit alive so long and stay healthy. Also to parents who are sick with the intention to recover. This ceremony is called "soot-soot".

Although most of the population now have converted to Islam or Christianity, but the old beliefs that are still visible in animist ceremonies performed. For example the ceremony to summon the spirit of the ancestral family home is still alive through Sibaso or female shaman. Will be conceded Sibaso spirit, so that any words are considered the words of our ancestors died. In the area of Toba Batak ceremony is called "Sigale-gale".

Jabu Siwaluh custom house, custom house Batak Karo. The house is a high pole and a house is usually occupied on a large family consisting of 4 to 8 Batak family. In the house there was one room sekatan off. However, there remains room sharing, ie the limit by the lines of a strong tradition, even though the line of sight. Each room has a name and who should occupy the space, has been determined also by the custom. The order of the room in the house Siwaluh Jabu is as follows:

* Jabu Bena wood in front of the room to the left, inhabited by the clan and founder of the village land. He is the leader pengulu or house.
Jabu Bena sedapur next room is a wooden one with a wooden Bena Jabu, also named Sinenggel-ninggel. This space occupied by the parties senina brothers who acted as deputy leader of the house. As far as that is a kitchen, because setaip 2 in front of the room there is a kitchen that is used for 2 families.
* Jabu end of the timber, named Jabu Sungkun News, inhabited by children Beru Toa, in charge of solving any problems that arise.
* Jabu sedapur wooden end of the room with Jabu sedapur wood tip, named Jabu Silengguri. Jabu was inhabited by the children of Jabu Beru Sungkun News.
* Jabu Bena LEPAN wood, which is located opposite the room with a wooden Bena Jabu, Jabu named simengaloken inhabited by senina Biak.
* Sedapur LEPAN Jabu wood Bena sedapur the room with wood Bena LEPAN Jabu, inhabited by senina Sepemeren or Separiban.
* Jabu LEPAN wood tip, which is inhabited by the poster Kalimbuh girl, this room is called Jabu Silayari.
* Jabu LEPAN sedapur the end of the wooden sedapur room with wood tip LEPAN Jabu. This room is inhabited by Jabu Simalungun drink, inhabited by the Kalimbuh Puang Kalimbuh from Jabu silayari. Kalimbuh position is quite respected in the custom.


Toba Batak Traditional House


Traditional Karo Batak house

"Siwaluh Jabu"

Generally, in each of these traditional houses there were four kitchens, each used by two families, namely by Jabu-Jabu is adjacent. Each kitchen consists of five pieces of stone placed as a stove triangular-shaped two opposites. Triangle represents Singkep rukuh sitelu or strap sitelu ie between the three family groups. Kalimbuhu, senina and children or Sebayak Beru.

Walls are made crooked, a door and a window located on the block around. Triangular roof and a three-story, also melembangkan rukut-sitelu. At each peak and the triangles are buffalo head that symbolizes prosperity for the families who lived. The eaves around the house in all directions the same, describing the inhabitants of the house has a feeling of kinship sepenanggungan. The roof of the triangle made of woven bamboo-called LAMBE LAMBE. Usually the LAMBE LAMBE-maker described the emblem of the nature of these home owners, with the traditional colors of red, white and black. Another decoration is on the entrance frame. Usually decorated with carved egg and arrows. Penginkat ropes sloping wall called ret-ret rope, made of palm fiber or rattan. These straps forming a pattern like the lizard that has 2 heads opposite each other, that is the lizard dikiaskan as home guards, and 2 heads conflicting represents all residents have equal roles and mutual respect.

The traditional house is always Siwaluh Jabu bertangga with an odd number of steps, inhabited by a family where the children sleep with their parents until the age of 14 years. For young men or single bed in another place called Jambur, as well as male guests. Actual Jambur granary used for sleeping, consulting and rest of the women and men.

Batak Toba traditional house called Rumah Bolon, rectangular and sometimes inhabited by 5 to 6 families batih. To enter the house to climb the stairs located in the middle of the house, with a number of unusual steps. If people want to go home Toba Batak have bowed their heads in order not to knock on the transverse beam, this means guests must respect the owner of the house. Floor of the house sometimes to 1.75 meters above the ground, and the bottom of the cage used for pigs, chickens, and so on. First entrance has 2 kinds of door, the door is horizontally and vertically, but now leaves the door horizontally not used anymore.

The room in the house is a traditional open space without the rooms, although there dwelt more than one family, but that does not mean there is no division of space, because in this custom home division of the room is limited by their strong tradition. The room in the back right corner is called Jabu bong, which is occupied by the head of the house or por Jabu bong, with a wife and children are still small. This room was once considered the most sacred. On the opposite left corner is called Jabu Jabu Soding bong designed for girls who have married but did not have their own homes. On the front left corner is called Jabu Suhat, for boys the oldest is married and the opposite is called Slap plates reserved for guests.

If a large family then held a place in between 2 rooms or Jabu attached, so that the room grew more and 2 of this room is called Tonga Jabu-Jabu ni ronga hue. Each family has their own kitchen located behind the house, additional building. In between the 2 rows of the room in the middle of the house is a neutral area called the lake and serves as a place of discussion. Other buildings similar to the house is like a house Sapo from the barn where the save, then inhabited. The difference with the home are: two-story DOMANI, only has one line poles down the front and an open space without walls serves to deliberation, to accept foreigners and a place to play music. At the front of the house are custom ornaments with designs and geographical lines and spiral ornament of a woman's milk called adep-adep. This decoration symbolizes the source of fertility and symbol of the unity of life.

Houses the most ornaments called Gorga. Other decorative motifs called nipahu ferns and thorny rattan called mardusi located on the wall above the entrance.

At the corners of the house was decorated elephant densely packed, face the animal motif, has a purpose as a repellent reinforcements. Similarly, animal print decorative lizard, a lion's head which is intended to deny the danger of such magic from the outside. This ornament is in the form of carved and colored, there is also a picture of it. Colors used are always black, white and red.

All of these custom homes on good material for wooden beams, floor and frame house next door and windows, and roofs made of zinc. In North Sumatra pavilion, traditional houses displayed a slight difference with the original custom homes in the area. This is adjusted with the use of sheer practicality, such as house poles should be of wood, many replaced by concrete pillars. then the function room next to office space for the important thing is to space objects exhibition and demonstration of cultural traditions of the eight tribe tribe in North Sumatra. Such items include musical instruments traditional, kitchen equipment, armaments, agricultural equipment, tools associated with mystical, some examples of kitchens that everything is traditional. While demonstration customs and history depicted in the form of a diorama, a wedding dress and traditional clothes and so on.
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